Meet Sherri Cousart

photo of sherri cousart

I Have Answered The Sacred Call!

I have a natural and keen ability to help people heal their lives. Being extremely intuitive at a very young age, plus having an older sister with cerebral palsy, has contributed to my unique ability to recognize people’s needs, how to address their concerns and to help them see with clarity. I assist my clients to heal by releasing the densities that clog up organs/glands and the tissues of the body, which then cause the body and mind to break down. These gifts are fundamental assets from my Healing Arts Practice, which I began facilitating professionally in 1991. A twenty-four year journey in the Healing Arts led me to the ultimate and most enriching career of becoming a Certified Body Code Practitioner, the most advanced, effective and highly beneficial system that gets to the root cause of any underlying, hidden or secret imbalance in our bodies, minds, spirits!

I have dedicated myself to heal my own densities to releasing my own outdated patterns and perceptions, which no longer are useful for making positive and current life-changing decisions. Through my own evolved healing, I am able to be totally present emotionally for my clients.  Pursuing my own personal healing journey has led me to acquire certifications in:

♥ Belief Code Practitioner: Dr. Bradley Nelson; Discover Healing Founder – Certified January, 2024

♥ Body Code Practitioner: Dr. Bradley Nelson; Discover Healing Founder – Certified June, 2013

♥ Emotion Code Practitioner: Dr. Bradley Nelson;  Discover Healing Founder – Certified April, 2012

♥ True Purpose Seven-Step Coaching Program: Program I created with assistance of Dr. R. Friedman; Consultant – April 2008

♥ Transformational Hypnotherapy: Center for Hypnotherapy – Oakland, CA – Certified March 23, 2002

♥ Applied Kinesiology (Touch for Health):  Dr. Mark Force, D.C. – San Leandro, CA, – Certified June 12, 1993

♥ Therapeutic Massage: Harbin Hot Springs, CA – Certified November 25, 1993


Sherri with Josh Nelson, Director of The Body Code and Body Code Practitioner for Dr. Bradley Nelson, January 2015.

Through all of my own inner healing and exploration, I have discovered my own true path and passion, which is to help liberate others from within so they, in turn, can find their peacefulness, purpose and see with more clarity. Furthermore, through my own personal and in-depth inner healing of negative emotions and other types of densities, I can validate the harmful results these energies impose inside us and even around us, which run our lives in very negative ways. These negative/dense emotions/energies are commonly expressed as worry, depression, anxiety, anger, overwhelm, worthlessness, struggle, self-sabotage, fears, self-doubt, to name a few! Once these dense energies are removed, are released, a greater sense of freedom is achieved. This inner work allows a pathway for your true gifts to flow through you to help you flourish in your life.

Most importantly, from my own in-depth inner healing, I have acquired more of my own Love to emanate from my Heart, providing me with a tender yet powerful understanding of the human heart, which puts people at ease, as well as inspires them to move their life forward with joy, harmony, and confidence. My sharp capabilities to “hear” people’s Subconscious, through my work and my intuitive gifts, gives me the ability to assist my clients greatly in obtaining a higher quality of health -physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually!  THIS is my JOY….. THIS is my SACRED CALLING!


Reach out, I’d love to hear from you!


Release emotional blocks through utilization of effective techniques

Delete limiting beliefs and doubts

Replace limiting beliefs with new and positive beliefs

Access your Subconscious for clarity and inspiration

Heighten motivation by increasing your resonance


♥ Confidence, joy and fulfillment

♥ Exhilaration/Exuberance

♥ Continued sense of greater inspiration and greater possibilities

♥ Peace, renewal, self-acceptance and enhanced passion for life


 Exceptional intuition, providing reliable guidance and significant feedback

 Keen listening skills to effectively hear what you are really saying

 The ability to create enthusiasm and support for every client

 Provides nurturing and empathetic mentorship

 Customized Techniques to Help You Achieve Mental and Emotional Success