I WELCOME you to dialog with me! If you have any input on the following piece I just wrote, I’d love to hear from you. So….here it goes!
I came upon an incident recently and learned from it that I needed to retain my Self-Respect. I was curious about the deeper meaning of ‘Self-Respect’ and I was guided to do some automatic writing (where Spirit flows through your pen and/or you see words in your Third Eye or hear those words with your inner ear, and you start writing everything down.) When you do automatic writing, some of the wording and sentence structure may look and sound a little awkward, however, the message is clear when you focus on it! I’d like to share with you what I received during my automatic writing session:
“Self-Respect opens one up to what ‘is’ right for one – what is matching you – what is cherished by you. One cannot be in the flow of rightness – not righteousness – that is for one without Self-Respect. Self-Respect moves one out of the agitation of the world. Self-Respect guides one to the energies of beautified being, peacefulness, right direction and closer to ME (Source). Choose Self-Respect in ALL situations. It is your companion, and when you serve it, it serves you. Allow it to resonate throughout you – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. All of these bodies are avenues to bring in and to connect with what is ‘right’ for you through the Self-Respect you have for yourself. It radiates in ALL of your bodies and brings with it a clarity – a resonance – of purified Source energy feeding and strengthening your character and, therefore, strengthening your position on Earth. Remembering this position is already in place, because you are Spirit first – human second!”
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